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Boxon visits Swedish Plastic Recycling in Motala

One of our focus areas is sustainability and we constantly work to develop sustainable packaging solutions to help our customers reduce their environmental impact. That's why we visited Swedish Plastic Recycling ultra-modern facility in Motala. During the day, we received information about how we can design plastic packaging for recycling and how we can recycle plastic in a resource-efficient way.


Plastic - an asset and how we can do to reduce its environmental impact.

Many customers associate Boxon with paper, and it is the main material that our customers buy. However, a large percentage of the material we use, more precisely 26%, is plastic and therefore we wanted to develop our knowledge in how we can work with the material in the future.

Plastic is everywhere in our society and fulfills a variety of important functions. It is a resource-efficient material that is light, strong and often economically and technically sustainable because it can be recycled several times under the right conditions.

But plastic also has a big climate impact because a large part of the plastic is incinerated and produces emissions, instead of being recycled.

This means that it is of great importance to use plastic in an appropriate way and above all to recycle all plastic.

If we use plastic in the right way, it is a material with very good properties, which can also increase the durability of other products and which can be recycled an infinite number of times.


How can we increase the recycling of plastic packaging?

Every year, 200,000 tons of plastic packaging are placed on the Swedish market, but far too few are recycled and transformed into new plastic packaging and high-quality products.

To increase recycling, we should:

1. Design for recycling

All plastic packaging placed on the market needs to have a design that enables recycling. This responsibility lies with us who design plastic packaging and our suppliers who produce the packaging.

2. Increase the collection of plastic

We all encounter with plastic packaging in our everyday lives, both privately and professionally. After we have used a package, we all need to sort our plastic waste so that it enters the recycling system.

3. Create efficient sorting and high-quality recycling

To achieve circularity, we need high-quality sorting and recycling facilities with the capacity to sort out each type of plastic and recycle them separately.

Are you interested in how your company's plastic packaging can develop? Contact us and we will help you find a solution that suits you.


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